158 Hunts Hit by Covid Restrictions

hunts put on hold edited 1

Update 30th December 2020: Following the latest announcement by the Government that large parts of the country are moving into tier 4 there are now even more hunts confined to kennels. As of midnight tonight 158 hunts across England, Wales and Scotland are unable to go out and terrorise wildlife. Only 79 packs of hounds can still go out and the eyes of the country will be on them as they must surely realise that continuing to hunt in the current climate will show once and for all that their desire to kill is the only thing they care about.


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Update 23 December 2020: Following Matt Hancock’s announcement this afternoon, a further 27 English hunts fall under tier 4 restrictions and will be unable to hunt from Boxing Day, bringing the total to almost 100 across the UK. With Covid rates continuing to rise countrywide it appears unconscionable that any hunt can continue going out. In recent weeks we have seen hunts such as the Beaufort with fields of up to one hundred riders, none of whom are socially distancing. At a time when we’re all making huge sacrifices, including not seeing our families at Christmas, it shows the selfishness of the hunting community that they’re unwilling to curtail their activities.

Following the latest announcements by the UK Governments regarding increased Covid restrictions, over 70 hunts will no longer be out terrorising wildlife. 17 hunts in England are kennelled in tier 4 meaning that they’re not allowed to hunt at all. Other hunts are kennelled outside tier 4 but much of their country is within it so their ability to hunt will be limited. In Wales all hunting is suspended whilst in lockdown meaning 26 registered fox and hare hunts and 19 unregistered packs can’t go out killing and all 9 registered Scottish Hunts must also stop from Boxing Day.

These restrictions are particularly significant for these hunts as they’ll also miss Boxing Day, traditionally the biggest day in the hunting calendar and a major money earner for hunts. Hunts in the rest of the country, that are allowed to continue for the time being, have also been forced to either cancel their Boxing Day meets entirely or move them away from their traditional town centre venues to avoid crowds.

If you see any hunts out in the highlighted areas on this map please call the police immediately as they will be breaking the law. Please also let your local hunt sab group know.

If you see hunts out anywhere in the country then film them as they almost certainly won’t be practising social distancing and will be continuing to spread this deadly virus in pursuit of their desire to kill wildlife.

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