Briefing on introduction of CJA

THE REAL CRIMINALS A Briefing Paper on the new offence of aggravated trespass in the Criminal Justice and Public Order Bill Right: Hunt Master Allan Wynn punches a saboteur to the ground at the Vale of Aylesbury Hunt Note This was originally written in April 1994 as a briefing paper for Members of […]
Failure of the CJA
A report on the first season of the implementation of the new offence of aggravated trespass from May 1995. This report was written to assess the impact of the new offence of aggravated trespass at the end of the first hunting season in which it was used. It does not deal with other sections of […]
Right to silence
RIGHT TO SILENCE: THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND PUBLIC ORDER BILL 1994 The following article from 1994 was written by the HSA’s then Legal officer, dealing with the changes in the law regarding a suspect’s right to silence, and how it is likely to affect hunt saboteurs. THE RIGHT TO SILENCE We all know that the […]