Army Hosting Criminal Quorn Hunt

defence animal training regiment

On Saturday the 17th February, almost exactly 19 years after fox hunting was made illegal, the army will host a meet of the notorious Quorn Hunt at the Defence Animal Training Regiment Headquarters at Remount Barracks, Melton Mowbray. Soldiers will be on duty to facilitate the meet and the entire event will be funded by taxpayers money.


The Quorn are one of the most famous hunts in the world – for all the wrong reasons. They received national press coverage for breaching lockdown to go hunting and ex-huntsman Ollie Finnigan was found guilty of illegal hunting whilst huntsman of the Quorn.

defence animal training regiment

Prior to the Hunting Act in 2005 soldiers were sent out hunting with the shire packs as part of their training for the Household Cavalry. Since the ban the army have wanted to play down any link so it’s now a perk mainly for officers. They still use army horses, transport and staff to participate in illegal hunts which costs a fortune and is paid for by the tax payer. The army still maintains a Hunting Officer at DATC and their job is to oversee everything hunt related.


This season all hunting horses were moved out of DATC and placed in livery at a private yard due to a contagious virus being present at the barracks. The army were paying for this and sending staff over every day to look after the horses. It seems incredibly risky to now bring a large number of horses into the base from across the county and risk further spread of disease.

A spokesperson commented:

“Nearly 20 years after the hunting ban it seems incredible that the army are still actively supporting an illegal act. The Quorn are a criminal countryside gang who think they’re above the law and to see their activities paid for with tax payers money is an affront. The army must sever all links with the Quorn and other local packs and abolish the role of “hunting officer” as such post is surely an anachronism in the 21st century.”

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