Hunt saboteurs Association Press Release. 14th May 2013
On Tuesday 19th March 2013, Cotswold Vale Farmers Hunt, Dean Common Farm, a drunken hunt supporter Adrian Wood forced entry to a hunt saboteur vehicle. The two female occupants could not stop his advances and had to drive away with him inside the vehicle in the hope that other hunt saboteurs or members of the hunt would be able to assist in removing him from their vehicle. Although other members of the hunt were in attendance none made any moves to assist. The two saboteurs were the subject of unwanted physical advances while trying to gain assistance by calling 999. Eventually they managed to remove him from their vehicle. Although called the police did not attend the scene (Crime ref CR/06463/13).
After an investigation the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) refused to prosecute.
Video of the incident can be viewed below:
Lee Moon, press officer of the HSA stated:
“If two women had been subjected to the forced entry of their vehicle by a drunken yob in a town high street, and had then been made to drive him around while being the victim of unwanted advances we suspect that the police would have responded in a different fashion.
Once again those who try and protect our wildlife from the excesses of the countryside thugs are left to fend for themselves. This of course will not deter our brave people but it stinks of hypocrisy and inequality.”