Fox Ripped To Pieces By Somerset Hunt

Hounds tear the fox apart

The Somerset-based ‘Weston & Banwell with West Somerset Vale Hunt’ deliberately hunted and killed a fox last Wednesday, the 31st January. Sabs from Mendip, Bristol, and Somerset groups were in attendance and saved several other foxes throughout the day.


This is trail hunting in 2024.
This is trail hunting in 2024.

However, when the hunt moved on to scrubland around Cripp’s Bridge, sabs were unable to stop the hounds from flushing a fox and ripping her to pieces in a field.

Hounds tear the fox apart
Hounds tear the fox apart

In an attempt to hide evidence of their criminality, a hunt rider tried to retrieve the broken body of the fox but left behind the poor animal’s hind legs, tail, and entrails.


Crime scene: sabs retrieve body parts of the fox.
Crime scene: sabs retrieve body parts of the fox.

As would be expected from an Organised Crime Group (OCG), the hunters were aggressive to sabs throughout the day: screaming, making false allegations, and using their vehicles to block in a sab car.

Perhaps more surprisingly, this OCG was assisted by a Police Community Support Officer who tried
to harass sabs and thought his duties including acting as gate-opener for the hunt!

He must have missed last week’s Channel 4 News report on fox hunting in which Inspector Oliver Fisher of the National Wildlife Crime Unit describes sabs and then hunters as follows:

“The fact is that one side are trying to stop something illegal, and the other side is intent on perpetuating some illegal activity.”

Please support Mendip Hunt Sabs and Bristol Hunt Sabs.

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