It’s the video that’s been viewed more than seven million times and appeared on news websites in Australia, Africa, and the Americas. But now, for the first time, the Hertfordshire Hunt Sab who caught pony-puncher Sarah Moulds on camera speaks to the Hunt Saboteurs Association.

“We were parked up at the Drift, Gunby, during second horsing and saw a Cottesmore rider grab a white pony by the rein and kick it.
You can hear by my voice on the video…my words say… “She just kicked that horse” …then she proceeded to slap and punch the pony!
I jumped out of my seat in rage and shouted at her to stop her attack. The poor, defenceless creature was held by the reins so had no chance of escape. The way the pony reacted by flinching suggests this wasn’t the first time this has happened.
If I didn’t shout at her I think she would have just carried on.
Honestly, I was shocked but, as we witness animal abuse week in, week out I was not surprised. We all know how quick-tempered hunt members can be, however if you can react like that to a pony – kicking, slapping, and punching them in the face in full view on a public road – it suggests it is normal behaviour and even considered acceptable. Of course, it is not acceptable and mistreating an animal like that is a terrible lesson for the youngsters watching on.
My only concern was what she going was going to do to that horse when she got home. She doesn’t deserve to have animals in her care. None of them do. They are all animal abusers.
Hunt ‘stewards’ or hangers-on Will and Edward Ashmore watched on from their quad and did absolutely nothing to stop her – only warning her we were filming when they realised. Note, too, that there were more hunt riders in the horse box behind – Lisa Ashmore and family looking on and doing nothing.
That rider and the ‘stewards’ represent everything the violent Cottesmore Hunt stands for and we stand against.
Let’s kick the Cottesmore Hunt in the gutter where they deserve and shut down the animal abusers for good.”
Watch the video here
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