Today, East Herts sabs can confirm that the newly amalgamated Puckeridge & Essex Union Hunt has been served with a Community Protection Notice (CPN) by Herts Police.
A CPN can be issued to an individual or – as in this case – an organisation whose behaviour causes “a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the locality” and which is “of a persistent or continuing nature.”
This perfectly describes the arrogant, thuggish behaviour of the Puckeridge Hunt.
East Herts Hunt Saboteurs commented,
“Having been involved with both hunts alongside numerous other sab groups and the local monitors, we are delighted to report that a CPN has now been served. Our evidence has been crucial in highlighting their anti-social behaviour and trespassing.
We sabbed the Puckeridge regularly throughout each season since 2019 and feel we’ve been instrumental in their demise, having been involved in stopping them from blocking badger setts, losing hunting permissions, decreasing their field numbers and highlighting their unlawful activities on social media which we believe has partly led to their amalgamation.
Our statements and video evidence contributed to the hunt being served with a Community Protection Warning by the Rural Operations Support Team (ROST) in October 2022 which they have repeatedly breached, and our footage helped to bring their huntsman to court for illegal hunting earlier this year.
The 2022/23 season saw us focusing once again on the Puckeridge Hunt alongside East Northants Hunt Sabs and Herts Wildlife Monitors and the evidence obtained and submitted of the hunt and its behaviour contributed to the CPN that has been served.”
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