Home » Hounds Off » Warn Off Your Local Hunt – Cost & Hassle Free Option
These are the first initial steps you should take to warn off your local hunt. If you have already made contact with your local hunt and your requests have been ignored click here for the ‘Belts & Braces’ approach.
Send A Warning Off Email To Your Local Hunt
If you know the name of your local hunt then send a Warning Off Email to the Secretary.
If you don’t know the name of your local hunt or who to contact then take a look at the Wildlife Guardian website or contact us for advice.
Use the following email text or compose your own:
I am writing to inform you that my property is closed at all times to the horses, hounds, officials, followers and any other individual connected with your Hunt.
(Insert address including postcode and also attach any maps showing boundaries if available)
I therefore request that no unauthorised entry occurs on my property by any of the above. Further, I ask you to inform me in advance when your Hunt is likely to be present in my locality.
Copy your Warning Off Email to your local MP and Police
Copying your Warning Off Email to your local MP and Police will alert them to your point of view and also mean that they are aware of your actions. This is an important point to remember in the event of any future incidents occurring.