HSA fights Scottish Seal Cull in joint operation with Sea Shepherd

news 140417 1 2 Sea Shepherd UK Taking Action to Defend Scottish Seals 270w
Members of the HSA have just returned from Scotland where they have been involved in stopping the shooting of seals by fishing companies.  They have been busy mapping the location of Salmon nets used by the Scottish Wild Salmon Company in, and around, Gamrie Bay, Aberdeenshire.  Since arriving in the area hunt saboteurs have ranged across the territory on foot locating seal kill zones from beaches, hillsides and treacherous cliff-top locations often in extreme weather conditions.  This vital information will enable Sea Shepherd to intervene between marksmen and the seals. 
The Sabs
Each year fishing companies in Scotland shoot up to 4000 seals under license from Natural Scotland to protect the wild salmon which they later kill for human consumption.
Lee Moon, Spokesperson for the HSA, stated:  “We are pleased to be working with Sea Shepherd and happy to utilise the skills we’ve aquired during the badger culls to carry out this invaluable work.  The mass murder of Scottish seals has been going on uninterrupted for far too long and we hope this will be the first of many such interventions by hunt saboteurs.”
The NetsThe Nets
The NetsThe Seals

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