HSA News Release 30th October 2009
They’re still hunting..that’s why we’re still sabbing
Over 40,000 hunters pledged to break the ban on hunting. Almost 5 years after the ban it’s no surprise that hunts continue to openly flout the law of the land.
On November the 1st 2003 over 40,000 pro hunters arrogantly signed the Hunting Declaration, vowing to break any law passed to ban hunting. 6 years later as the official hunting season begins again, it is no surprise to see the law being openly flouted by hunts the length of the country, and the police continuing to refuse to properly enforce the ban.
1st November is traditionally the start of the hunting season proper, although hunts have been out terrorising foxes, hare and deer for several months now, engaging in “cubbing” – or “autumn hunting” as the hunts like to refer to the early morning or late afternoon hunting used to train new hounds.
Hunt saboteurs and monitors on the ground continue to see hunts openly breaking the law and reacting violently towards those who try and gather evidence against them. The Police and criminal justice bodies should be ensuring that those breaking the law are being brought to book, but do not appear to be interested.
Lee Moon, spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association stated: “Hunters promised they were going to break the hunting ban so it should come as no surprise to the police and politicians that it is being so openly ignored.
It’s business as usual in the countryside. The hunts continue to illegally pursue and kill wildlife and act violently toward those who try and stop them. In election year, with the Tories promising to repeal the Hunting act, we feel it is important for the British public to know what type of people these are – willing to illegally harm wildlife and people in pursuit of their own pleasure. Rather than repealing the hunting act, politicians should be listening to the majority of the electorate, tightening up the loopholes in the law and compelling the police to enforce the act.”
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