HSA news release 30th October 2005
The Hunt Saboteurs Association (HSA) stated today that they were ready for what would traditionally be the start of a new fox-hunting season on November 1st. Despite media reports to the contrary, hunt saboteurs, who have over 40 years experience of sabotaging hunting activities, firmly believe that the Hunting Act is a workable piece of legislation, and that the end of hunting as we know it is well on the way. The main change this season for saboteurs sees the replacement of essential kit such as a hunting horn with the new sabotage tools of video camera and mobile phone – pre-programmed with the local Constabulary’s number!
Dawn Preston, a spokesperson for the HSA, stated “Hunt saboteurs traditionally use the huntsman’s own tools, such as a hunting horn, against him when sabotaging a hunt. These days our essential kit is more likely to contain a video camera to capture any illegal hunting, and a mobile phone to report it. Police resources never seemed to be lacking when it was us being policed, so we know for a fact that the budgets are there. And we aren’t the sort of people who are afraid to badger the police in order to get them out there – enforcing the law, as they are paid to do. We are perhaps best placed of all people to tell the difference between legal and illegal hunting, and whilst the bloodsports fraternity try and claim it’s ‘business as usual’ we know for a fact it is not. It’s only a matter of time before their arrogance gets the better of them and the first prosecution is brought under the Act”.
She continued “Our years of experience with hunts up and down the country means we know those who really are likely to try and carry on hunting regardless and rest assured that we already have our cameras trained on them. The general public also seem to be fed up with the outrageous arrogance and attitude of the hunters as the number of tip-offs we are receiving as to the whereabouts of hunts has reached record levels.
“Interestingly, the number of hunts advertising their meets is the lowest we have ever seen (just take a look at Horse and Hound this week) – and would make anyone think they had something to hide. The Countryside Alliance would be well advised to ‘wake up and smell the coffee’ hunting is banned, and the ban CAN and WILL be enforced. Where it isn’t, we can only assume the hunts and police are continuing their previous cosy relationships”.
The HSA has used non-violent direct action to get between the hunters and their quarry since 1963, and will continue to do so as and when required.