On Saturday the 10th May over 60 hunt saboteurs successfully sabotaged two mink hunts in the Midlands. A blockade of the Dove Valley Mink hounds kennels stopped their days illegal activities from even starting. One van of sabs stayed at their kennels to ensure they didn’t try and sneak out and the rest headed for the Northamptonshire Mink Hounds who were hunting on the River Kym, near Kimbolton, on the Bedfordshire/Cambridgeshire border. As sabs descended on the hunt their hounds could clearly be seen chasing a hare but upon becoming aware of our presence they gathered up the hounds and finished hunting for the day.
Saturdays events follow on the heels of the effective sabotage of the opening two meets of the Culmstock mink hunt, in Devon, over the Bank Holiday Weekend.
Lee Moon, Spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: “Mink hunting is one of the most
secretive types of hunting with hounds, taking place outside of the traditional hunting season and with only the most trusted of followers invited to take part. Hunt saboteurs have been gathering intelligence about these hunts for the past few years and are now seeing the results of all their hard work. We are also receiving far more information about their activities from anonymous sources which suggests the majority of law abiding, compassionate country folk will no longer tolerate this cruelty. It is surely obvious to everyone that if the mink hunts had nothing to hide they would publicise their activities and carry on hunting even when saboteurs are present.”