Hunt Saboteurs Association News Release 2nd November 2020

The Hunting Office have announced that all registered hunts in England must cease hunting from Wednesday ahead of the second national lock down.
In a confidential memo sent out to all Masters, chairmen and secretaries of fox, hare and deer hunts on Sunday they wrote: “Further to the Government announcement yesterday the Hunting Office can confirm that hunting activities in England should cease from the evening of Wednesday the 4th November.”
Whilst this is good news we have been informed by our local groups that many hunts are desperately re-arranging meets this week to squeeze in as much hunting as possible before lock down starts. Some are even planning to go hunting on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday while the Fernie Hunt in Leicestershire are having a super-spreader meet on Wednesday which lots of visitors from other packs are expected to attend.
Lee Moon, spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: “It’s obviously excellent news that hunts have been informed that they shouldn’t be out during lock down however it’s typical of their arrogance that many hunts are squeezing in as many meets as possible whilst they can. At a time when we’re being told to stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives the idea of going hunting is even more preposterous than usual and shows just how strong their blood-lust is.
We encourage the public to keep an eye out when taking their daily exercise during lock down as experience tells us that many hunts won’t obey these rules and will take every opportunity to sneak out in order to keep the hounds “keen” (to kill) when their season re-starts.”