HSA news release 2nd March 2002
Huntsmen take out anger on protestors – Another Saboteur badly injured
The Hunt Saboteurs Association is claiming that the prospect of a ban on hunting has caused an upsurge in violence against its members following another violent incident, this time in Yorkshire.
Hunt Saboteurs from Leeds and Sheffield were present at a joint meet of the Bramham Moor and Badsworth hunts at Monk Frystton near Pontefract. The 2 hunts are being forced to merge next season following regular disruption from protestors.
During the afternoon, terriermen bolted a fox from an earth right in front of the protestors, who then succeeded in preventing the hounds from catching it using non-violent tactics such as spraying scent-dullers and blowing horns.
A hunter in a red coat then rode his horse at full speed towards the saboteurs. His horse tried to jump right over the sab, resulting in a suspected broken arm, but which could have been far worse. The protestor was taken away by air ambulance but later released from hostpital with severe bruising.
HSA spokesperson Nathan Brown said “I fear that we will see even more violence from the hunting fraternity. They know their days are numbered. A ban is imminent, and in the meantime we will continue to represent the will of the majority, directly preventing these people from chasing and killing foxes and hares. Strangely the police are slow to arrest the perpetrators of violence against protestors, yet are more than willing to arrest someone just for blowing a hunting horn or running across a field.”
He continued to comment on the merger between the hunts, saying “This season will see 3 sets of hunt amalgamations. The Bramham Moor and another hunt thatis merging, the Garth & South Berks, have been under constant pressure from hunt saboteurs and it is paying off. If the government won’t stop them, we will!”