International Action against French Stag Hunt

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Hunt Saboteurs Association News Release 10th December 2017


Hunt Saboteurs from Croydon and Kingston joined the first major international action of its kind that saw nearly 60 Hunt Saboteurs from 6 different countries descend on the notorious Futaie des Amis Stag Hunt in the Foret de Compiegne, Picardy, Northern France. In recent weeks the hunt killed a stag in a garden, despite the home owner begging them not to, and saw one of its own beaters killed by being pierced through the heart by a deer’s antlers after he had cornered the animal.


Teams of Hunt Saboteurs managed to maintain close contact with the hunt all day, and on three occasions managed to take control of the pack at crucial moments when they were hunting a stag and two hinds, one with her young. The hunt were in complete disarray with the huntsman, Drak, complaining bitterly to the French hunt saboteurs that they had not been able to kill and that stag hunting wasn’t barbaric.

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Traditionally, stag hunting involves hunting an animal with hounds, to the point of utter exhaustion, then the huntsman stabs the animal in the heart. However, allowing the hounds to tear the animal apart (as in fox hunting) and drowning are also approved methods for a stag hunt to make a kill.



Lee Moon, Press Spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: “The Hunt Saboteurs Association has over 50 years experience of sabotaging hunts in the UK. When we hear of similar actions happening abroad we are more than happy to lend a hand. Congratulations to the French saboteurs for arranging this successful action and we look forward to working with them again in the near future.”


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