Hunt Saboteurs Association News Release 21st October 2020
On Saturday the 17th October a lone member of Glasgow Hunt Saboteurs was ambushed and attacked by members of the Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire Foxhunt.

The group had just finished a successful day sabbing the hunt, ensuring no foxes were killed, and were waiting for a pick up from their driver. On his way to pick them up the driver was blocked in by the huntsman, a paid employee of the hunt, who then got on his phone calling in thuggish hunt supporters. What followed was a violent, cowardly attack against the lone occupant of the vehicle, who is registered disabled, that resulted in injuries to the individual as well as the rear window of his car being smashed.

Since the new huntsman arrived last season there has been a steady increase in aggression from the Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire – initially increased tension then fights to now attacking lone disabled sabs in a seemingly premeditated attack. The hunt had been gunning for a fight all day but unable to get a response from the main group of sabs decided to go after the lone driver.

A member of Glasgow sabs said: “We were due to be picked up to go home after a successful day when a lone sab driver was deliberately blocked in by the huntsman- who could be seen on the phone just moments before hunt thugs arrived. The thugs then smashed the sabs car and violently assaulted him. Our sab was alone, is registered disabled and needs his car to get about.”
Lee Moon, spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: “Cowardly attacks against lone sabs is what we’ve come to expect from the hunting community who are only brave when they massively outnumber their opponents. The Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire Hunt can rest assured that such violence won’t deter us, an attack on one of us is an attack on all and Glasgow sabs have the backing and support of all sab groups.
These cowardly attacks have been reported to the police but as usual we don’t expect them to investigate their cronies in the hunting community.”