As the foxhunting season lurches towards a dismal conclusion this weekend was another self inflicted disaster for the hunting community.
In Somerset Jacob Rees Mogg once again failed to read the mood of the nation by hosting the Mendip Farmers hunt. For a man stuck in the Victorian age he probably feels that hunting is a forward thinking activity for the modern gentleman rather that an archaic cruel tradition despised by the majority. Fortunately the serfs from Mendips and Devon County hunt sabs were present to unblock badger setts and save foxes that were hunted in the presence of the Rees Moggs – with one fox being flushed and hunted from a nature reserve.

Business as usual in Kent where supporters of the Ashford Valley Tickham Hunt attacked the West Kent Hunt Sabs vehicle and smashed the rear windscreen.

Norfolk was definitely the place to be this weekend as all four of the counties hunts stayed home. The Dunston Harriers have ended their season early due to fear of sabs whilst the West Norfolk, following their widely publicised killing of a fox in a family’s garden, have been forced to end their season due to the bail conditions imposed on hunt staff.
More amazing news in Derbyshire where sabs were present at the FINAL EVER meet of the Meynell and South Staffs Hunt. More on this to follow.
Finally in Devizes Wiltshire Hunt Sabs staged an extremely well attended demo at Wiltshire Police HQ to protest against the long term collusion between this corrupt force and the organised criminal gangs, AKA fox hunts, operating in the county. Multiple serving Wilts police officers have been exposed as riding with the hunts and in light of the barbaric behaviour exposed in the recent Avon Vale incident it must be questioned why this is allowed to continue?

A Hunt Saboteurs Spokesperson commented:
“It’s great to see hunts folding and others forced to see their season end early and in many ways it delights us to see Tories such as Rees Mogg still hosting hunts. Surely this just evidences how out of touch they are and hopefully, along with hunting, their days are numbered.
Our utmost respect as always to the Hunt Saboteurs who were out there this weekend protecting wildlife and bringing us the news from the frontline of the war against hunting.”