Mendip Hunt Sabs caught Hunt Master George Pullen beating a hound, they describe what happened.
“On Friday we witnessed the Mendip Farmers Hunt’s Master George Pullen ferociously thrash one of his own hounds with the hard end of his whip. He clearly used his full force in the assault, and despite filming from some distance up a hill, we heard the screaming yelp as the hound cried out in pain. He then appeared to shout at the hound as they ran off. This attack shows the total lack of respect these thugs have for any animals and fully disproves the myth that they “love their hounds”. Nothing could ever justify such a barbaric act, and given George’s well documented raging temper, this action raises huge concerns about the welfare of the whole pack.”
“It is clearly not just the foxes that suffer at the hands of this bunch of notoriously violent wildlife criminals, and hounds have fallen victim to their violence previously, too. Hunting Leaks revealed how the hunt killed off numerous hounds for financial reasons in 2020, and reduced spending on their remaining hounds to cut costs. In the same year, one of their hounds was run over and killed as they hunted next to the A39, and it’s a miracle more haven’t been killed or injured since, given their permanent disregard for road safety.”
“Hunt Master George is a very angry man, hence his nickname “Angry George”. He rages at the sight of sabs every time we go out and has previously assaulted sabs and lashed out at our vehicle. We frequently hear him shouting at both the huntsman and his partner. Earlier in the month, we released footage of one of his many strops, during which he manhandled one sab in attempt to enter our vehicle, pushed and yelled at others, and even lashed out at his own father. This incident was just a taster of what we face every time we pay a visit to the Mendip Farmers Hunt.
We hope that by submitting our footage to the RSPCA, there can be some justice for the beaten hound.
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