With hunts going out weekdays as well as Saturdays, some as often as four times per week, sabs try to get to as many meets as possible. This morning a number of early morning cubbing meets have been sabbed already.

Nottingham Sabs introduced themselves to new huntsman Robert Howarth at the South Notts Hunt, and managed to foil their plans for an uninterrupted morning of cub hunting at Oxton Grange, sending the hunt into a panic. Sabs managed to keep up with the hunt before they packed up at 08:30 meaning sabs could still get to work on time!

Northants Sabs disrupted the first meet of the season for the Pytchley Hunt in Thorpe Malsor. Sabs stuck with the huntsman, Lewis Chutter, managing to thwart his attempts at illegal hunting.

Meanwhile West Midland Sabs caught up with the Warwickshire Hunt at Honington Fields Farm, yet again attempting to illegally hunt fox cubs. Three Counties Sabs & Cotswold Sabs paid the VWH Hunt a visit at their meet at the polo grounds in Cirencester park and North Wales Sabs went to check on the Wynnstay Hunt.
Cubbing (“Autumn Hunting”) is in full swing now across most of the country, with many hunts having started already or about to begin this vile practice. Read more about cub hunting here.
If you see any hunting or suspicious activity, please tip us off on 07443 148 426.