Less than one week after the violence at the Blackmore and Sparkmore Vale hunt, you would be thinking that the Countryside Alliance would have advised hunts to keep a low profile. If so it has not sunk into the low intellects of the Crawley & Horsham hunting set. No sooner had hunt sabs turned up then one of their riders smashed the windscreen of the West Sussex hunt Sabs vehicle with their riding crop, with no provocation.
As there was no indication of any trail being laid hunt sabs proceeded to disrupt what was clearly an illegal hunt taking place, as indicated by the rider’s violent attack.
Sussex police arrived tardy as usual and proceeded to make vague suggestions that it was acceptable for hunters to assault hunt saboteurs if found off the footpath, no arrest were made even following the culprit of the damage being identified.
The hunt packed up after less than two hours with no kills.
Despite the criminal damaged and threats of violence, hunt sab will continue to attend this hunt who has the most convictions of illegal hunting in the country, something the police should perhaps take into consideration in future policing.