Another fake trail-laying event and another embarrassment for hunting’s incompetent governing body, the British Hound Sports Association. This time, the BHSA have chosen to use the Queen song Don’t Stop Me Now to accompany their latest poorly produced video of foxhounds running through a field.

It would be very surprising if Queen were happy with their song being used, as guitarist Brian May is a long-standing and vocal opponent of fox hunting. In a July 2015 Newsnight interview, he famously referred to the pro-hunt Countryside Alliance as “a bunch of lying bastards”. May was speaking up against the then Prime Minister – and current Foreign Secretary – David Cameron’s underhand attempts to scupper the Hunting Act.
The BHSA’s bizarre choice of music was not lost on its own supporters, with one commenting, “Please tell me Brian May didn’t benefit from that” and another saying “…please tell me you don’t have to pay him royalties.” Good question.

Out To Lunch
This is far from being the first blunder by the inept BHSA. Only last week, an Instagram video about an earlier trail-laying event was widely ridiculed when, halfway through, it inexplicably cut to a split screen showing…er…a close-up of Hampshire Hunt Huntsman Simon Dunn enjoying his lunch.

While this gave hunt sabs everywhere a good giggle, the joke was lost on cash-strapped hunters who are increasingly angry at having to pay huge registration fees to the incompetent BHSA, as well as forking out for the Masters of Foxhounds Association and that “bunch of lying bastards” at the Countryside Alliance.
With a general election on the horizon, the Hunt Saboteurs Association looks forward to further gaffes by the BHSA soon. You can get involved in our campaign here: