The Hunt Saboteurs Association stands in solidarity with Chris Packham whose home was struck by arsonists last Friday night. This latest attack – believed to be the work of hunting or shooting extremists – is just the latest escalation of a terror campaign against Chris and his family. Previous incidents have included death threats and the dumping of mutilated animals at Chris’ home.

These are precisely the terror tactics used against hunt sabs for decades and, unfortunately, Chris is only the latest victim of these extremists.
In a January 2005 incident strikingly similar to that suffered by Chris, a Sussex-based anti-hunt campaigner woke to find his van engulfed in a fireball. Serious damage was sustained in the attack, which was carried out a month before Hunting Act became law.

More recently, West Midlands Hunt Sabs suffered an arson attack when they had proved all too effective at saving the lives of hunted animals in the field.

Like Chris, sabs have suffered countless incidents of dead animals being dumped on their property. On Christmas Eve 2004, for example, sabs returned to their car to find its windows smashed and a horribly mutilated fox dumped inside.

A HSA spokesperson commented,
“We stand in solidarity with Chris Packham and – having suffered many such attacks ourselves – know exactly how he must be feeling. We also know that he, like us, will never be silenced in the fight against blood sports.”
As requested by Chris, please continue to contact the National Trust about their trail hunting policy here:
If you are a National Trust member, please vote for the motion to ban trail hunting on National Trust land – you can vote here until Friday 22 October 2021 at midnight.