Sabotage: The History of The Hunt Saboteurs Association Is Out Now!

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Hunt Saboteurs Association -Sabotage Book

This brand new photobook details the inspiring history of the Hunt Saboteurs Association, from our formation in late 1963 all the way up to the present day. With many fascinating photographs and extensive text celebrating the actions of everyone throughout the years who took (and continues to take) direct action against bloodsports, this book is not one to be missed!

Saboteurs from the New Forest and Winchester protect a fox earth from the New Forest Foxhounds
Saboteurs from the New Forest and Winchester protect a fox earth from the New Forest Foxhounds

Within these pages you’ll find out how and why the HSA was founded back in the 1960s, how hunt sabotage became a way of life for many during the 1980s, how the movement swelled throughout the 1990s despite serious hunt violence, and of course how saboteurs continue to save lives after the Hunting Act came into force.

Sabs stop the Essex Hunt at Stagden Cross, 1993
Sabs stop the Essex Hunt at Stagden Cross, 1993

With first-hand accounts, tales of daring acts to save wildlife, details of the many milestones across the decades and hundreds of never-before-seen photographs, the book champions our rich and varied history. But as well as being a trip down memory lane, it also details very recent events, such as the Hunting Office webinars and celebrates the many acts of sabotage that continue up to the present day.

The Old Surrey and Burstow Hunt’s hound van, the day after the Hunting Act came into effect, 2005
The Old Surrey and Burstow Hunt’s hound van, the day after the Hunting Act came into effect, 2005

Whether you’re an active sab, a veteran, a supporter or someone completely new to the cause, Sabotage will inform about the long and often difficult road many have took towards ridding the countryside of bloodsports.

As with all our merchandise, all profits go towards funding direct action against bloodsports.

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