Seal Shooters Sentenced

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Usan Salmon Fisheries aka Scottish Wild Salmon Company today received the judge’s sentencing at Forfar Sheriffs Court. Members of the HSA Seal Guardian Campaign attended court to hear the verdict. They were fined £7000 for multiple breaches of netting laws (leaving nets in the water out of permitted hours and the taking of fish past the 6pm Friday night weekend close time). George Pullar requested 18 months to pay the fine. The judge gave him 12 months. We think if they just sold one of their 4 flashy pick up trucks with personalised plates, or the land rover, or one of the boats that haven’t been used all season and are just sitting on a grassy bank, or one of the vintage cars, or a tractor, or one of the flat beds, or one of their many properties (flats, houses, etc) they’d be able to pay it off with no bother.

The defence lawyer told the court that Usan had suffered a decrease in profits from £68,000 to £38,000, and were in a “bad trading position”… And that for tax purposes, neither George nor David Pullar, company directors, took a wage…   They get paid in dividends. The judge noted that there had recently been a “substantial increase in purchases” by the company and there had been a “very substantial increase in turnover” since 2013.

So, the seal-shooting company finally have a criminal record!

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