Severn Vale Hare Hunting festival stopped in its tracks


Today over fifty sabs attended the Severn Vale Hare hunting festival, originally thought to be a single day event but thanks to Kay Thompson, hunt photographer, who posted about her attendance on her Twitter feed (doh), we realised it is a six day event.

Sabs turned up to realise that this sport, so vaunted by the Countryside Alliance, as growing from strength to strength could only muster less than twenty people. There were over fifty sabs so they were outnumbered two to one. The hunt present was the Wilts and Infantry, and being of a military mind-set like nothing better than to stand firm in the face of adversity and calling on the Churchill/Dunkirk spirit they girded their loins, jumped in their cars and ran away.


Sabs followed and one female hunter tried to block the highway and was politely shuffled off to the side so our vehicles could follow. There then followed a lot of driving around until the hunt went to ground in a Police divisional HQ to hand themselves in (we think). By then we had diverted most of the sabs to the Vale of White Horse Fox hunt to ruin the end of their day.


Now we know we are in for five more days of hunting we have much organizing to do but will be able to keep our numbers up, the call is out and more sabs will be driving down tonight.  We are confident that this week’s festival is effectively over.


More tomorrow if the hunters dare to show their faces.



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