From the 18th February 2005, hunting a wild mammal in England and Wales should have effectively been banned as the UK Parliament passed a new law onto the statute books. The hunts said all along that they would either ignore it, blatantly break it or find ways around it to allow them to continue hunting as normal.
The invention of trail hunting was the hunts answer to the Hunting Act. It gave them the necessary alibi and muddied the waters enough to make prosecution extremely hard. No other law has a burden of proof set so high so even when the police and CPS are willing to investigate and prosecute, there is no such thing as an open and shut case as the Countryside Alliance and hunting governance will throw large amounts of money at their defence.
The Traditional Art of Hunt Sabotage
This book is a complete guide to everything you need to know. It is the first publicly produced manual of hunt sabbing tactics, amalgamating over 60 years of tactics and experience in the now’ traditional art’ of hunt sabotage.
Covering all blood sports from hunting to hound, shooting, fishing, and trapping. If you are even slightly interested in how the fight against blood sports of all types is structured then this is the book for you. Written by those who have been in the ‘killing fields’, actively stopping hunting for decades.
The book can be purchased on Amazon.
HSA affiliated groups can obtain a PDF copy by emailing our Tactics Officer.
Tactics talks can also be arranged for affiliated groups or those wishing to become affiliated, by emailing the Tactics Officer.