2020 Badger Cull Figures Released

2020’s badger cull killing figures have finally been announced, over a month later than usual. The final kill figure was a truly horrifying 38,642, the highest figure to date as was to be expected with 55 cull zones. The total figure in the 7 years of culling now stands at 140,991. In the ten new […]
URGENT NEWS FLASH: Gloucestershire cull has been destroyed by sabs & patrollers, there is NO CHANCE OF CULLERS REACHING TARGET
Somerset target of 316 is possible for them to reach. We can make them fail in both zones, but only if people now move from Glos to Somerset. Be a part in the making of an historical victory for animals.There is something for everyone to do. Join us, for 1 hour or 1 week, every […]