HSA Seal Guardian Campaign Update

For those of you who were following the HSA Seal Guardian Campaign, which spanned 2014 and 2015, and was the HSA’s longest running full-time campaign being a daily operation covering six months last summer, we have an amazing update to share: The Scottish Government have finally formally announced a THREE YEAR BAN on coastal […]
The Seal Cull
The undercover team that had so much success in gathering the information that lead to the suspension of the seal cull at Gardenstown in April returned to Scotland on the 23rd of July, this time accompanied by a new member of the Glasgow Hunt Saboteurs. Their target on this occasion was the salmon farming industry […]
Seal Wars Continue

Hunt saboteurs have stopped the seal slaughter in Gardenstown but it continues elsewhere in Scotland. On Sunday 11th May a lone female sab was observing salmon nets owned by seal killers Scottish Wild Salmon Company at Usan, south of Montrose. Netting at the weekend breaches licence conditions, and the nets should not have been in […]
Action against Seal Cull continues

The joint operation between hunt saboteurs and Sea Shepherd against the seal cull in Scotland continues to save lives. The Scottish Wild Salmon Company, which announced last week that it was going to stop shooting seals at Gardenstown due to pressure from sabs and SSUK, has now removed all its nets from the area […]
HSA fights Scottish Seal Cull in joint operation with Sea Shepherd

Members of the HSA have just returned from Scotland where they have been involved in stopping the shooting of seals by fishing companies. They have been busy mapping the location of Salmon nets used by the Scottish Wild Salmon Company in, and around, Gamrie Bay, Aberdeenshire. Since arriving in the area hunt saboteurs have ranged […]