HSA news release 19th December 2005
The Hunt Saboteurs Association (HSA) today stated that it welcomed the first Boxing Day ‘hunts’of the post-ban era, and re-affirmed their belief that that the Hunting Act is a robust piece of legislation that CAN and WILL work…as long as police forces pull their fingers out and enforce it! Boxing Day is traditionally a big day in the hunting calendar, and as ever hunt saboteurs will be out with their local hunts to monitor ‘hunting’ activity and make sure that no illegal hunting takes place.
Dawn Preston, a spokesperson for the HSA, stated ‘At last, after years and years of speculation at this time of year that past Boxing Days could be the last ones, we finally have reached the first post-ban Boxing Day! And despite the fact that the Countryside Alliance will swear blind that all hunts are still out hunting as normal, we know for a fact that it is only a small minority of hunts that are attempting to break the law. The truth is that many hunts are hunting legally, that is just following a trail or exercising hounds, and as such we have no problem with such activity. Those that persist in breaking the law are being monitored by hunt saboteurs, and rest assured that we will catch their sordid activities on camera and pass the evidence to the police for prosecution.’
She continued ‘We have in the past sold Christmas cards depicting a line of red-coats lining up outside a job centre, with the inside greeting stating ‘tis the season of goodwill, and not a time to hunt and kill!’ We’ve managed to sell out in record time this year, and thankfully don’t see the need to re-order for next year. We firmly believe that the practice of hunting our wildlife to death is truly relegated to the history books – the ink isn’t quite dry but it’s just a matter of time.
And as for the Countryside Alliance, the latest re-incarnation of the bloodsports fraternity, once Boxing Day has been and gone they have nothing else to hang their sad tales of woe on. Which could explain why their latest announcement is the exciting development of a ‘Weathercall’ service…which tells you the weather (for a price!). I’m sure their members are very excited about that. No wonder they aren’t a happy bunch – they pay £45 a year to join, have just seen hunting banned, their leadership fall apart and watched their fat cat lawyers ask for more funds and get fatter even though they have failed at every hurdle.’
Notes to Editors
For further information contact Dawn Preston on 07904 387559
The HSA is a non-violent direct action organisation which has been dedicated to getting between the hunters and their quarry for over 40 years – it is run by volunteers on a shoestring. Hunters have killed 2 sabs and injured hundreds more.
The Countryside Alliance have been around for 8 years. Before that, they were the Countryside Movement and before that, the British Field Sports Society – it is run by members of parliament, journalists, lawyers, estate agents and landowners etc, with hundreds of staff and a multi-million pound budget.