Terrierman Angry Andy Guilty of Assault


Andy Bull, terrierman of the Meynell & South Staffordshire Fox Hounds, has received a police caution for assaulting a hunt saboteur from  Manchester in February 2014 at Kingstone, Staffordshire.

Sabs were intervening as the hunt attempted to illegally chase a fox when Mr Bull became aggressive, grabbing a sab around the throat and attempting to swing punches.


Members of the hunt had to restrain him.


Two employees of the hunt were previously found guilty of breaking the Hunting Act in 2012 after members of Derby Hunt Saboteurs filmed them illegally chasing fox cubs.


Ironically, terrierman Andy Bull is listed on the hunt’s website as their ‘wildlife officer’ (seriously! see http://www.mssh.co.uk/who-s-who).


Lee Moon, spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated:  “Andy Bull has a long history of violence against sabs and we are pleased he is finally being held to account for his actions.  We look forward to hearing what action the hunt take against one of their employees who has admitted a violent assault as we assume they will have no choice other than to sack him”

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