Three jailed for disturbing animal abuse


Hunt Sabotuers Association Press release 04/03/2013

Three men have been jailed after capturing themselves on camera committing sustained and horrific levels of animal cruelty in a case the RSPCA described as “the most disturbing” he has handled in 23 years.

The crimes came to the light after a Hunt Saboteur passed on photographic and video evidence, first to the League against Cruel Sports (LACS), who then handed it onto the RSPCA. Mark Wesley Smith, Liam Patrick Ardito and Gary Cannon, all from Grimsby, admitted setting their dogs on a trapped fox in a sickening cage fight on the town’s golf course, where they had posed as pest controllers.

The trio also filmed themselves and took photos as they laughed and joked, while their dogs tore wild animals to pieces. A fourth man is being sought for similar charges.

All three were given 16 week jail sentences for a total of 30 charges – which also included keeping premises for use for dog fighting. Two defendants were banned from keeping dogs and birds for life, while the third defendant was given a lifetime ban on keeping dogs. District judge Daniel Curtis expressed his horror at the shocking levels of “organised, methodical cruelty against defenceless disadvantaged animals.”

Lee Moon, spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association, stated: “This case goes to show that there is no place to hide for animal abusers, and that pro-animal organisations will put aside all differences over tactics when it comes to protecting our wildlife. We congratulate both the LACS and the RSPCA in their handling of the information and the case.”

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