Over the last few weeks, the HSA has confirmed that a further three hunts have folded this summer.
The Eastern Counties Minkhounds, who hunted the rivers of Essex and Suffolk, threw in the towel after being consistently sabbed for several years. They have also faced allegations from their own side that they were targeting otters as well as mink.

Elsewhere, Hertfordshire’s Albany & West Lodge Bassets – itself an amalgamation of two older hunts – has also ceased to operate. Sabs last saw this lot when they tried to organise a “newcomers’ day” a few years ago. However, the only newcomers to attend were sabs and the day was quickly abandoned!

In Scotland, the Barony Bassets have also folded. This very eccentric hunt was set up as a direct response to the Hunting Act and claimed to hunt rabbits with hounds and ferrets.

A HSA spokesperson explained:
“The folding of these three hunts is great news for wildlife and part of a wider national trend. Earlier this year we celebrated the news that the Crawley & Horsham Fox Hunt had amalgamated with a neighbouring hunt, and it’s great to now add two basset packs and a mink hunt to the list. Whatever way you look at it – hunting of all kinds is in terminal decline
Whether it’s exposing trail hunting as a ‘smokescreen’ in the recent court case or saving lives directly in the field, the Hunt Saboteurs Association is leading the fight against all bloodsports .”
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