Following the recent conviction and plea hearings of a number of huntsman and hunt terriermen, the HSA is making a further appeal for sight of several sick hunting videos referenced in court.

In particular, we are interested in a video that shows former Avon Vale Hunt master Stuart Radbourne and his fox-baiting mate Oliver Thompson throwing a live fox to the hounds in front of hunt supporters – including a child – on Christmas Eve, 2020.

We are also interested in another video – said to involve the release of a bagged fox from a quad bike at the Border Foxhounds – that we understand has been shared in the same WhatsApp groups.
Regardless of police action or inaction, these videos show the criminal reality behind the orchestrated smokescreen of ‘trail hunting’ and we believe the public have a right to see them.
We therefore urge anyone in possession of these videos – or any other such material – to send them to the HSA. We receive intelligence from within hunting on a regular basis and guarantee 100% confidentiality to all sources – no matter what side of the hunting fence you sit on.
Please send any footage to or for larger files, consider the secure file transfer site wetransfer.
Thank you for supporting the Hunt Saboteurs Association.