Hounds from the West Norfolk Hunt have invaded the garden of an elderly woman and killed a fox on her patio. The hunt terrier man can be seen climbing into the garden and furtively removing the body whilst the hounds are left to roam the garden.
The incident happened on Monday 20th February in the vicinity of Hingham, Norfolk. CCTV footage shows hounds hunting through gardens whilst being actively encouraged by the huntsman. No attempt is made to stop the hounds from chasing the fox.

The terrified fox seeks refuge in a fenced patio area but the hounds chase it there, corner it and kill it. The West Norfolk Hunt terrier man then scales a six foot high fence, furtively removes the fox’s body and escapes through a gate, making no effort to remove the pack of hounds from the private property.

This awful incident was witnessed by the terrified homeowner, who had been enjoying a peaceful spring afternoon in her own home prior to the hunt invasion. It is now being investigated by Norfolk Police.
A Hunt Saboteurs Association spokesperson commented:
“Sadly this is not an unusual situation, the only thing unusual about it is the excellent CCTV coverage of the kill. Just weeks after the leaked Avon Vale video once again showed the world the depravity of the hunting community you would expect the hunts to be on their best behaviour but it appears they just can’t control themselves. Hunts are organised criminal gangs who think the law doesn’t apply to them. We commend the courageous householder for being prepared to take a stand against this shocking act and sharing it with the world.”
Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt Sabs said:
“Our thoughts are with the family who’ve had to endure this frightening and deeply shocking crime in their own home. We understand the homeowner’s elderly mother is undergoing chemotherapy and was resting at her daughters home at the time. We particularly sympathise with her situation and wish her well.
Norfolk/Suffolk Hunt saboteurs regularly attend illegal hunts conducted by the West Norfolk Foxhounds. We have observed and recorded them routinely hunting outside of the law as well as a litany of associated crimes. The West Norfolk Foxhounds have a well earned reputation for violence and intimidation meted out to sabs and local residents alike.
This week is the 18th anniversary of the hunting act. The act is clear, hunting animals with a pack of dogs is illegal. We call for the full enforcement of the law to bring hunters and the complicit landowners who host them to justice.”