I thought hunting with hounds was illegal. Does it still go on?

Often, members of the public believe that since the Hunting Act came into force in 2005, fox hunting (as well as hare, mink and stag hunting) is a thing of the past. Sadly, however, since then, hunts have carried on much as before due to police indifference and even bias. Many hunts say publicly that […]

How do I get involved in sabbing?

Simply click here to access our map of all our local groups, type in your location and contact your nearest sab group using their contact details provided. Getting involved in hunt sabotage may seem daunting at first, especially if you’ve not taken part in any activism before. Don’t worry though, our local group contacts will […]

Why do some saboteurs wear masks?

Many sabs choose to hide their identities whilst out sabbing to avoid repercussions from hunters. Throughout our history, sabs who have become known to hunters have been hassled at work, had hunt thugs at their home and even on occasion had vehicles tampered with and pets killed. Wearing a mask, and similar clothing to other […]

Do Foxes need culling?

With the recent media attention on urban foxes the question has once again been raised about the need to cull foxes. The fox hunting community has always claimed that one of their raison d’être is to control the numbers of foxes in the countryside. So does this argument hold any water? Germany banned fox hunting […]

Hounds ran out in front of my car – what should I do?

We frequently hear about hunt hounds – or even horses – being out of control and causing a hazard.  Clearly if hunts are “following a trail” they have been reckless in laying it across a highway.  More than likely they are not following a trail and are hunting in defiance of the law.  It’s one […]

I saw some illegal hunting. What can I do?

Hunting a wild animal with dogs is illegal in England, Wales and Scotland.  If you witness illegal hunting there are a number of things you can do: If you have a camera of any kind (even on a mobile phone!) try to capture images of the incident, its aftermath or the people involved.  Be careful […]

What has happened to my order?

If you have sent a membership request, salesgoods order or a donation please be patient with our response and allow 28 days.   All HSA staff are volunteers who are also active in the field.  If you posted something, please note we rely on a forwarding system to distribute all mailed paperwork to the relevant […]