Yesterday, Monday 28th October, Neil Burton the huntsman for the Burton Hunt returned to Lincoln Magistrates Court charged under section 1 of the Hunting Act 2004.
The charges related to an incident that occurred on Riseholme Lane, very close to the hunts’ kennels on January 27 th 2024, where Lincoln Hunt Sabs observed and filmed Neil intentionally encourage his hounds to hunt a fox.

Stephen Welford, the Countryside Alliance’s “go to man” for hunting cases was once again called upon. Following much stalling from the defence, we can only assume to get the case dropped, Neil eventually gave a “not guilty” plea on August 1st.
Following the recent Portman Hunt’s case, which bore striking similarities to this one, Welford obviously didn’t hold much hope for a not guilty verdict and ultimately failed to present an expert witness. Lincoln Hunt Saboteurs are delighted to say that justice has prevailed, and Neil has been found guilty and given a £600 fine. Although this does not come close enough to the justice our wildlife deserves… for Neil, the disgrace this brings on him and hunt master James Lockwood should be enough to put at least one nail in the coffin to end this hunt for good!

The whole case relied on Neil pretending that the video footage of him clearly hunting his hounds on was in fact him calling his hounds back. Luckily for us the magistrates did not believe this to be the case and stated, “I do not find your interpretation of the hound call to be credible.”
This is the first of its kind in Lincolnshire and Lincoln Hunt Sabs will ensure it isn’t the last. Please support them here: