West Mids Hunt Sabs report:
We at West Midlands Hunt Sabs have been calling the Warwickshire Hunt an Organised Crime Group for some time, but on Channel 4 News on Saturday night that view was repeated by a serving Warwickshire Police officer.

We have been campaigning for years to expose the corruption that we believe goes right to the top of Warwickshire Police and resulted in the controversial ‘secret deal’ being struck with the Warwickshire Hunt after the Community Protection Notice that had been served on them was withdrawn. This meant the Warwickshire Hunt effectively bypassed due process.
This view of corruption among senior officers at Warwickshire Police was confirmed by a serving officer within Warwickshire Police speaking anonymously to Channel 4 News. The officer states that they were not surprised by any of the behaviour around the hunt – it is just something that happens at Warwickshire Police, suggesting, perhaps, that the secret deal scandal is just the tip of the iceberg.
It also comes to something when a former member of the Warwickshire Hunt is on national news agreeing with what we have been saying about them and the police calming that Warwickshire Police “have picked a side”.

Former Chief Constable Debbie Tedds continues to avoid scrutiny from Channel 4 News about her involvement in the secret deal, having refused to give a statement on a previous news item, this time telling them “don’t chase me”. A plea that wouldn’t be lost on the wildlife that is constantly chased by her mates at the Warwickshire Hunt. Her evasion only reinforces the perception that she was involved.
Conveniently, she recently resigned as Chief Constable meaning she has so far avoided answering any awkward questions such as those around her family links to the Warwickshire Hunt.

We’re not sure how Police & Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe is still in his post, aside from lying on camera that Channel 4 News should have booked an appointment rather than doorstep him (they tried to, but he refused!), his membership of the Countryside Alliance once again came under scrutiny. This, an organisation whose raison d’etre is to campaign on behalf of Organised Crime Groups such as the Warwickshire Hunt – yet Seccombe continues to insist that there is no conflict of interest.

New Chief Constable Alex Franklin-Smith was a key member of Tedd’s senior team, and has been handpicked by Seccombe, so we should expect a continuation of what went before rather than a fresh start. This was a local issue that has developed into a national scandal. Local MP Matt Western has stated that he is willing to go to court to get the contents of the secret deal revealed. Until that happens, we are not going to let this issue die.
We were made aware of the contents of the secret deal when it was first announced, and they are so biased in favour of the Warwickshire Hunt that it is understandable that Warwickshire Police would view the damage caused to their reputation by keeping it secret as a better option than making them public.

Meanwhile, the Warwickshire Hunt continue to behave as if they are above the law – last month harassing ITV journalists and trying to force their way into the vehicle, this time they went one step further with one of their supporters driving their vehicle into and damaging a car owned by a member of Channel 4 News.
Finally, hours before the report was broadcast, the Warwickshire Hunt’s hounds were filmed chasing a fox on top of Brailes Hill with no one from the hunt appearing to “lift them” as senior hunt master Elizabeth Sinden claimed when she was questioned by Channel 4.
West Midlands Hunt Sabs will continue to sabotage the Warwickshire Hunt and expose corruption at Warwickshire Police.
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