Hunting Office ‘Smokescreen’ Webinars: Three Years On

It is three years since the Hunt Saboteurs Association published leaked training webinars from the Hunting Office. These webinars – presented to an audience of over 100 hunt masters – conclusively proved what hunt sabs had been saying for the previous fifteen years: trail hunting is a lie.
Hold On…Why Are Hunts Still Holding Up?

With the ‘cub hunting’ part of the hunting season coming to an end and opening meets of the main season about to get underway, let’s take a look at what we’ve seen so far this year.
The Trail Of Lies: Hunting’s Publicity Drive Descends Into Farce

With fox hunting Opening Meets taking place in a couple of weeks, hunting’s so-called governing body – the British Hound Sports Association (BHSA) – is laying on several promotional events to try to convince the public about trail hunting.
The Viscount’s Vision Of Trail Hunting – It Astor Be A Joke!

The chairman of the British Hound Sports Association (BHSA) William Waldorf Astor III (that’s Viscount Astor to you) has written a piece for Horse and Hound on ‘trail hunting’. The HSA takes a look at some of his claims.
Hunting’s Rural Problem

And why the next Government needs to get a grip on illegal hunting. Unless you’re doing a very good job of hiding from the news, you’ll know that there’s a General Election on the horizon. Maybe not in the next few months, but likely within the next twelve.