The recently released footage of terriermen from the Axe Vale Harriers pulling a fox and an injured terrier out of a badger sett once again draws into question the legitimacy and authority of hunting’s so-called ‘governing body,’ the British Hound Sports Association (BHSA).

Why was there a terrier underground with a fox, in a badger sett, that came out with clear facial injuries? There is no legitimate reason for terrier work to happen on a so-called ‘trail hunt,’ and shows that the hunting of foxes is still taking place despite being banned nearly 20 years ago.
In the Hunting Office webinar leaks, terrier work was correctly identified as hunting’s ‘soft underbelly.’ The BHSA has even admitted this. Following the release of now infamous footage of Avon Vale Hunt terriermen, the BHSA issued an edict in February 2022 advising hunts not to carry out terrier work pending a review. Within days, hunts were breaking this.

Terriermen deliberately won’t be present or on display to the public at the sanitised version of ‘trail hunting’ put forward at the BHSA’s ‘Smokescreen Saturday’ PR events.
And in September 2023, Viscount Astor, chair of the BHSA, said in his article ‘Hunting’s Greatest Challenge’ in Horse & Hound magazine:
“The BHSA has considered the recent difficult incidents involving terrier work and has been quick to change the rules regarding the use of terriers to avoid the possibility of previous incidents reoccurring.
All countrymen (terriermen) must now be paid up members of the BHSA. Legal terrier work, for the specific protection of game and / or ground-nesting birds, will not be allowed in the vicinity of or sight and sound of any trail-hunting activities.“

But up and down the country, terriermen, with spades, digging bars and terriers, are still out on so-called ‘trail hunts.’ And as this video shows, they are ignoring their so-called ‘governing body.’
A spokesperson for the HSA said:
“They have had 20 years to get their house in order, and they have failed miserably. It’s time for the Government to take the actions necessary to end this cruelty and criminality routinely carried out by the hunters.”
“We call on Environment Secretary Steve Reed to immediately end terrier work, and for the Government to bring forward changes to the Hunting Act that will end the smokescreen of ‘trail hunting’ and close loopholes that mean wild animals are still being killed by hunts.”
The Environment Secretary can end terrier work today, by removing guidance written into the Hunting Act that allows it.
Please email Steve Reed to tell him that he must ban this cruel practice immediately!