There’s been so much progress within the anti-hunt movement recently, especially since those infamous Hunting Office webinars.
Whether it’s hunts folding left, right and centre, Labour’s promise of a true ban on fox hunting in England and Wales, the introduction of the Hunting with Dogs (Scotland) Act 2023, snares being banned in both Wales and Scotland, the victories are coming thick and fast.
But they haven’t come out of nowhere.

Image credit: AWIS.
For over six decades, the Hunt Saboteurs Association has been taking direct action and campaigning against bloodsports.
To celebrate this rich movement of committed individuals saving wildlife, the HSA produced a book – titled Sabotage – championing those who campaigned and continue to campaign against animal cruelty in the fields of the UK countryside.

Although much has happened in the very short time since its publication, Sabotage tells the story of the HSA from its inception in 1963 all the way to the fallout from the Hunting Office webinars in the early 2020s.
From the fledgling scene of the 1960s and 1970s, to the punk rock-fuelled 1980s, through the extreme violence of the 1990s to 2005’s Hunting Act and beyond, there’s much to discover about our movement’s vast history – especially so for those newer to the cause.

With over 200 photographs of sabs in action throughout the decades and across the span of the UK and beyond, the book is a must-have for any wishing to take a deeper dive into the culture, the ups and downs as well as the personal stories of the anti-hunt movement.
Grab yourself a copy, get a brew and read all about the inspiring actions of ordinary people doing extraordinary things for hunted animals.
Sabotage is available to purchase in our webshop.