Yesterday – Monday 3rd February – North Dorset Hunt Sabs and Weymouth Animal Rights attended a meet of the North Devon Beagles at Stoke Farm, Broadchalke in Wiltshire. As a result of events witnessed during the day, local sabs now believe that this may have been the opening meet in a hare-hunting festival.

Such hunting festivals typically involve a host pack inviting other packs to come and hunt their country over the course of a week. The most well-known of these events were Alston Hare Week and the Northumberland Beagling Festival, both of which ran for decades before being finally shut down by hunt saboteurs.

From the outset, sabs witnessed overt and blatant hare hunting from the North Devon Beagles. They were much more determined than most beagle packs – who tend to pack up on first sight of sabs – and continued chasing hares for over an hour.

As would be expected from an Organised Crime Group, various masked hunt goons attempted to intimidate sabs, but they bravely stood their ground and forced the hunt to pack up around 1pm.

Local sabs are on standby to do it all again – but they urgently need your help! Do you know who is hosting this festival? How long it lasts? And – most important of all – where are the next hunts occurring? We know that beaglers are prepared to travel many miles to witness hares being hunted and killed, so meets could be almost anywhere in the southwest.

If you have any relevant information, please contact the HSA Tip-Off Line on 07443 148 426. We regularly receive information from within hunting and always guarantee 100% confidentiality – no matter what side of the fence you are on.
Thank you!
Please support North Dorset Hunt Sabs and Weymouth Animal Rights.